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Sunday, 13 July 2014

Paints that can detect iron-Rust

It’s an insidious fact of life for anyone who owns equipment made out of metal. Bridges, trucks, pipelines, holding tanks, railroad tracks, refineries, airplanes — corrosion will eventually claim them all.

A report by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers found that the direct cost of metallic corrosion amounts to more than $250 billion per year. This is an incredible 3% of U.S. GDP. They figure that when you add in the costs of lost productivity, litigation and environmental cleanup, the costs reach to more than $550 billion a year.

Some of this corrosion is obvious when it shows itself in patches of rust on the surface of steel equipment. More challenging is when rust spreads under a coat of paint that hides it from the naked eye.
Help is on the way. Researchers at Battelle Memorial Institute, one of the nation’s largest research centers, have invented a tiny bead that can could become a first line of defense against rust. Just 50 microns in diameter, the microbeads look like a fine, whitish powder.
The outside of the bead is made of a material that fluoresces or glows in the presence of the oxidization present in rust spots. As the chemical on the outside of the bead reacts with the rust to start glowing, the bead opens to release another chemical that begins to heal any cracks caused by the corrosion.
The beads can be mixed into a kind of primer coat and applied to a metal surface. Workers can inspect equipment for signs of fluorescence, track the corrosion back to the cause, and schedule replacement of damaged parts before the problem spreads to cause total failure.
A group at Battelle, led by Ram Lalgudi, has been working on the technology for nearly a decade. Battelle is now seeking partners in industry to help commercialize the product. In time, this kind of ingenious innovation could help make our metal equipment more reliable and last longer, saving billions a year in time, money and resources.

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